Rolec EV
Rolec EV is a division of Rolec Services, specialising in the design and manufacture of a comprehensive range of electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions - offering quality products at competitive prices.
From the entry level, low cost WallPod: EV Ready unit, through to the sophisticated EV ControlCentre, Rolec EV has a full range to suit every location and budget. The Rolec EV product range is designed and built to be flexible and compatible with all leading motor manufacturers’ EVs and their communication protocols, including all types and modes of charging. As the actual manufacturer of this range, Rolec EV is able to personalise our charging range to suit individual client requirements, specifications and branding.
Each of Rolec EV's charging point ranges have been specially designed to offer all types and modes of EV charging, in order to provide solutions for the following locations:
• EV Charging Points For The Home
• Commercial EV Charging Points
• Public Facing EV Charging Points
Rolec EV’s mission statement of 'Quality, Reliability and Innovation'reflects the company’s ethos of providing cost-effective, high-quality and reliable products and services.
Please call us for more infromation or to answer any questions. 0800 085 6665